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19 Amazing Bodies of Miss America Winners

Miss America winners are renowned for their striking beauty and graceful poise, but they are much more than just their appearances. Each one possesses unique stories, ambitions, challenges, and advocacies. From promoting clean energy and inclusivity to confronting skin issues and championing wellness routines, these women are embodiment of strength, resilience, and purpose. Dive in as we explore 20 extraordinary Miss America winners, discovering the depth and breadth of their passions, and understanding why they truly are an inspiration not just in America, but around the globe.

Current reigning Miss America, Grace Stanke, talked about the organization and what her goals are to Wisconsin Public Radio. "There's a big difference in what the women are in the Miss America organization in comparison to any other organization. We're not afraid to speak out and speak not only on a national level but on a global level. We're promoting changes that are important and relevant in society. (With) America as a global leader, I don't see why Miss America shouldn't be. I'm excited to go into my year to promote clean energy for a cleaner future."

Emma Broyles opened up about her past skin issues, how she takes care of them, and her dermatology goals to Health Digest. "I spent so much time kind of constructing this facade of this perfect girl who had no issues. And I felt like the second somebody saw that, they would know who I really am. And so, something that I did in my recovery process and the process that it took to finally overcome or get my dermatillomania under control was working with my dermatologist to first really clear my acne. And he was great. He was really patient with me, and he tried a bunch of different things. And then now, I've had the clearest skin I've ever had in my life. It's crazy. And I can't believe that it's all just because of the power of medicine and the knowledge of my dermatologist. I got really into looking at the ways that different medications, oral medications, play in with topical medications and retinols and gels and creams and moisturizers. And I really, really fell in love with skincare."

Camille Schrier told People that she didn't want to enter Miss America until they removed the swimsuit competition. "I think that a lot of women in our world really struggle with body image and have had things that might qualify as an eating disorder and they might not even recognize it. And as someone who has struggled with body image and body positivity throughout my life, I didn't ever want to put myself in a situation to be judged on my body."

During her reign, Nia Franklin was passionate about bringing arts programs to schools. "I have spoken with school administrators and children about the importance of a well-rounded education, which includes the arts," she told The Power Thread. "Most recently I have led virtual masterclasses through my initiative, Compose Her. I started this initiative to uplift women in music, but really the goal is to make sure everyone is equally empowered."

Savvy Shields opened up about her wellness routine to About You Magazine. "I'm trying to reinforce the connection between what we're eating and how we're feeling," she says. "Over time, it's evolved into more of a quality-of-life issue rather than a weight-loss issue. It's not just about working out, but making exercise a lifetime habit."

Kira Kazantsev opened up about her wellness routine to Naluda Magazine. "I do mobile workouts from my trainer Scott Keppel (Scott's Training Systems) and I try and maintain a healthy (ish) diet with lots of lean proteins and greens. I do a lot of traveling so it's important for me to be able to make a workout happen even if I don't have access to a gym."

Betty Cantrell talked about her diet during her pageant career and how it changed to People. "I was traveling all the time and I couldn't always eat the healthiest option," she says. "[But] it's all about eating things in moderation. You can have some unhealthy things, but make sure you don't do it all the time. I was careful about what I ate, and I tried to eat every three hours to keep my metabolism flowing."

In 2013, Nina Davuluri became the first Indian-American to win Miss America. Not long after winning, she talked about this achievement to BET. "I'm so happy this organization has embraced diversity. I'm thankful there are children watching at home who can finally relate to a new Miss America."

Mallory Hagan is a supporter of the LGBTQ community, and sits on the Rocket City Pride committee. She shared this video on Instagram of herself doing an event with them. Hagan captioned it, "​​What a beautiful morning with @rocketcitypride at the Vincent Rutherford Equality March @downtownhsv!! We are so grateful to all of the friends, organizations, and companies that came out to participate and support. The future is #inclusion— that's what our dreams are made of. 🏳️‍🌈🤍"

Laura Kaeppler likes to do barre workouts to keep herself in shape. She shared this video on Instagram of herself doing a session. Kaeppler captioned it, "The moment when you want to quit is the moment when you need to keep pushing. And believe me, I want to quit every time I workout at the #barre but @coachlombardi doesn't let me. Love ya G."

In 2014, Teresa Scanlan talked about her struggles with her diet in an interview. "I knew the importance of a healthy lifestyle but after my crowning, I lost focus. I was tired, sluggish and I was embarrassed because I felt like a hypocrite. My pageant platform promoted healthy eating initiatives so as a role model I needed to make a change but I didn't know where to begin." Scanlan says that she worked with ViSalus and did their fitness challenges, which led to her being known as a fitness role model.

In a 2014 interview with The Huffington Post, Caressa Cameron talked about her wellness routine. "Being mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy is critically important as a young woman. Finding the time to nurture all of those areas amidst our ambition, careers, school, volunteering, friendships and families can often be hard. The most important thing is to find the space where YOU are happy with you and not allowing society to dictate what you SHOULD look like. Side note: My husband loves my curves."

Katie Stam is an avid chef. She shares a lot of her healthy recipes on Instagram. In this video, she makes a casserole with quinoa and chicken. Stam captioned it, "A healthy and delicious recipe the whole family can enjoy – Quinoa Chicken Casserole. Click the link in my bio to get the recipe from the experts at Inspiring Women."

Kirsten Haglund is a prominent activist for eating disorder prevention. She talked about her experiences with body image to Ask Garden Green Span. "In my darkest times, I used to think that taking care of myself was a sign of weakness, going soft. Once I left ballet slowly I realized that it takes a lot of strength to take tender loving care of myself, that's about being more highly evolved."

Ericka Dunlap shares a lot of her wellness tips on Instagram. In this video, she revealed that she wants to get better at golf. "YOU are the secret sauce," she wrote in the caption. "You just have to BELIEVE it! In what area of your life do you want to have more confidence?? 💪🏾✨ One for me…is my golf game ⛳️ I'm committed to improving my technique and playing more often, and at minimum going to the driving range once a week."

Erica Harold likes to walk to keep herself in shape. She also likes to speak out about causes that are important to her. In 2020, Harold revealed on Instagram that she participated in a charity run after the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. She captioned the post, "#RunWithMaud I walked 2.23 miles to the courthouse today because #AhmaudArbery deserves justice. #JusticeDelayedJusticeDenied #justiceforahmaud."

In this Instagram post, Deidre Downs revealed that she wants to incorporate more exercise in her life. "Exercise with me in February! Looking for some lifehacks to help me stick with my exercise resolution for the New Year. For every day in February, I've decided I'm going to post what I'm doing to exercise that day. In addition to the rather visible accountability for myself, I'm also hoping you'll comment with your own exercise routine for that day, whether you also need some accountability or just want to share some fun ways you're staying on the move."

Vanessa Williams shared one of her favorite skincare tips with First For Women. "I got turned on to the jade roller a year ago, and I love it! I use it each morning, rolling it up my chin and cheeks, over my forehead and under my eyes. It really does stimulate my skin, remove puffiness, and make me feel so refreshed!"

For her birthday, Katie Harman and her husband did a lot of outdoor workouts together. She shared this highlight video on Instagram, captioning it, "Sweet hubs arranged a terrific last-min getaway to an adorable cabin off Lake Tahoe so we grabbed Ty's best buddy and off we went! Unseasonably cold/rainy weather couldn't dampen our spirits nor the fun to be had tho. When swimming and lake time was off the agenda, we pivoted to the awesome Olympic village and rode the tram to the High Camp/Olympic Museum/Palisades ski park (off season is where it's at people – perfect for hiking!) – we loved the 1960 Winter Olympic history and vibes! We're already planning to return when the sun is shining and the lake is warm."
