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Amanda Bynes wandered around a tanning salon naked, calls herself a multi-millionaire

Kaiser and I were emailing about this, and she posed the question of whether some of Amanda’s recent issues (staying for hours in a hair salon, locking herself in various bathrooms and dressing rooms) were somewhat of a put on. Crazy Days and Nights floated this theory a few weeks back. We both agree that she has serious mental issues regardless, and I thought that this was further evidence of that, until I read the details. It sounds more like a “look at me” stunt, but with Amanda it’s hard to tell. She apparently walked buck naked out of a spray tan session in search of some goggles, going up to the receptionist’s desk without a stitch on. I’ve lived places where this would be perfectly acceptable, but Amanda knows it’s something that will get people talking here in the states. Here’s the story, thanks to In Touch:

After purchasing a Mystic spray-tan session, the 26-year-old was set up in a private room — but it wasn’t long before Amanda strode back out into the main salon area in search of goggles.

Only problem: She wasn’t wearing any clothes! “She walked out of the room completely naked,” the eyewitness tells In Touch. “She didn’t seem to care that everyone saw her naked.”

“She seemed totally out of it,” the eyewitness says. “She took her time walking back to the Mystic room, dragging her fingers along the wall and smiling at customers who passed her.”

The eyewitness adds: “There was definitely something wrong with her.”

[From In Touch]

If Amanda was sitting in the lobby nekkid for a couple of hours, just applying her makeup, I would say it was a definite mental health issue, but this is something else. This suggests she knew what she was doing, but again who knows? Amanda has done a lot of things that suggest she’s troubled. At least she’s still doing “ok” somewhat, for her. I mean she’s not driving anymore and she seems to be keeping busy, what with the spray tans and the shopping. I wonder if her fashion career is going to take off at all, and if she actually is moving forward with those plans.

In response to this story, Amanda told US Weekly that it was untrue and that they should leave her along because she’s rich or something. She said “I’m not ‘troubled.’ I don’t get naked in public. I’m 26, a multi-millionaire, retired. Please respect my privacy.” So we shouldn’t talk about her because she’s retired and has piles of cash in the bank? That makes no sense. At least she’s ok after Hurricane Sandy. It must be rough in New York, even if you’re uptown.

Amanda is shown on 9-29-12 and 5-14-09. Credit: TS, and
